One Acadiana gives economic outlook with launch of new ‘IMPACT’ campaign

by | Sep 25, 2019 | One Acadiana News

Home » One Acadiana gives economic outlook with launch of new ‘IMPACT’ campaign

One Acadiana is launching a campaign designed to capture new business and expand opportunities in the region.

2020 is fast approaching. For One Acadiana, that means it’s time to outline the next five years with this $15-million project that can help propel Acadiana forward.

“Our mission is to improve the quality of life quality of place. We do that in a couple of ways. We do it through the creation and preservation of jobs and we do that through the product,” said CEO Troy Wayman.

The product is Acadiana, making sure the business voice is heard, with an environment to support it. “Our ability to diversify within different events, whether it’s manufacturing, it, whether it’s other manufacturing processes, health care,” he added.

In a previous campaign, One Acadiana generated $479- million in new capital investment retained nearly 600 jobs and assisted in securing millions in infrastructure improvements.

“There’s a lot of incredibly talent people in our community. If you notice, even in the downturn of the oil and gas industry our unemployment rate has not risen,” said Wayman.

Their economic outlook through the “Impact” campaign is also sharpening the focus on workforce development. “We have implemented a program called 55 by 25 where we want to raise the advanced educational obtainment in the region to 55% by 2025,” he added.

They’ve partnered with SLCC and UL to help students earn high-value certifications through programs that’ll increase employment.

“With those high-value certificates, two-year, four-year degrees, we would hit about 42 percent. So we have a 13 percent delta we’ve got to make-up,” said Wayman.

Currently, One Acadiana is at 11 out of that 1$5-million goal for the project. They plan to reach it by the end of this year.

Dr. Loren Scott, One Acadiana’s featured speaker, will return to Lafayette for their annual Economic Outlook Event. It’s Wednesday, September 25th at the DoubleTree Hotels.