
Raise Your Voice

Advancing initiatives is more than staking out a position. It means giving voice to stakeholders and empowering community leaders. It means sparking the conversation. It means leading through action. 1A serves as an intelligent, proactive vehicle for realizing the aspirations of the region by helping members, investors, and partners articulate their vision for a better community.

As a region and a state we cannot afford to lose sight of our long-term potential for growth. Our leaders face constant challenges from eliminating budget deficits to building roads and funding higher education. In finding the responsible solution, we believe business needs to contribute effective leadership.

We know achieving our full potential will require a collaborative approach, which is why we value inclusion. We welcome members, investors, and community partners to work with Acadiana’s policy-makers in forging alliances and advancing solutions.


Legislative Advocacy

Each year, 1A advocates for a set of Legislative Priorities to advance the organization’s vision of creating the best possible place for business and talent to locate and stay.



Infrastructure Advocacy

While our nine-parish region is a crucial hub for Louisiana, opportunities exist to improve and enhance our region’s portfolio of infrastructure assets to better compete to attract business, talent, and investment opportunities.



Urban Core Revitalization

Every region has a physical center that serves as a focal point for residents and visitors alike, and the quality of a region’s brand is heavily defined by the quality of its core. Our regional core – including the areas around Downtown Lafayette and UL Lafayette – is experiencing renewal and growth, with significant new investments underway or announced, and it will be important to keep building on this momentum.



Public Policy Agenda

1A’s Public Policy Agenda comprehensively outlines our positions on policy issues we regard as vital to the success and prosperity of the Acadiana region, focusing on economic development, workforce & education, infrastructure, and urban revitalization & development, with a little “lagniappe” (something extra) for good measure.


André Breaux
VP, Policy & Strategic Initiatives

Legislative Session Updates

Countdown to Sine Die

Legislators did not end up adjourning the 2024 Regular Session early as some rumors had suggested, but they did get a lot of bills ticked off their checklists as they pulled long hours last week in preparation for Sine Die today. House and Senate lawmakers went...

Legislative Advocacy
Jun 3, 2024

Money Bills Swap Chambers in Week Seven

House legislators moved major bills last week, with the state’s annual budget (HB 1) and capital outlay measures (HB 2) clearing the House and heading to the Senate. Additionally, legislation calling for a limited constitutional convention was reported favorably by...

Legislative Advocacy
Apr 29, 2024