
Connect with Acadiana’s Best

One Acadiana is a business-led organization with a community focus. We enable member businesses and individuals to work together to build a stronger business community.

When businesses get involved with One Acadiana, they’re pledging their commitment to the growth and development of the entire region – and stand to benefit greatly through exposure, connection, knowledge, and resources. Membership provides organizations insight into the Lafayette and Acadiana business community and facilitates active involvement with the community, other businesses, vendors, and your customers.

Experience the Benefits of Membership

Oneacadiana Secondary Icons Connections


Meet, network and connect with businesses, partners and other regional leaders through events, committee meetings and more.

Oneacadiana Secondary Icons Resources


Access a broad range of informative small business workshops spanning topics like technology, strategy, branding/marketing and more at no cost to you.

Oneacadiana Secondary Icons Exposure


Raise your profile—and by extension, your bottom line—through a variety of One Acadiana sponsorship opportunities.

Oneacadiana Secondary Icons Knowledge


Stay informed on matters that impact the local economy, business and the community at large through Leadership Exchanges and policy forums.

Let us Break it Down for You:

  • Priority access to over 30 annual events
  • Networking opportunities each month
  • Cost-savings of member pricing at all 1A events
  • Regular, informative updates from the 1A team about the issues you care about most
  • Opportunities to promote your brand through a variety of sponsorship options. View our 2025 sponsorship guide.
  • Exclusive opportunity to participate in 1A’s Committees and Ambassador Program
  • Complimentary ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings, and grand openings
  • Referrals for all inquiries coming to the 1A office
  • Listing on 1A website and online business directory
  • Access to 1A’s community calendar to promote your upcoming events

In addition to the benefits you receive, your membership helps us make Acadiana one of the world’s best places to live, work, and build a business.

Your Membership Helps Us:

  • Make our communities and region stronger by seizing opportunities and addressing our obstacles via transportation infrastructure, workforce development, public education, urban revitalization and more.
  • Grow our region by strategically marketing the area to attract, expand and retain business investment and job opportunities.
  • Cultivate business growth and leadership by providing engagement and leadership development opportunities—networking, committees, events, and other programs—to improve both your business and your community.


Chris Messner
Sr. Manager, Membership

Membership Benefits

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