One Acadiana is a bolder, re-energized version of the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce. We are a business-led, privately-funded economic development organization serving a nine-parish (county) area in South Louisiana. In addition, we continue to provide chamber of commerce functions for Lafayette Parish businesses. Our vision is to make our region one of the most sought-after places in the South for emerging businesses and professional talent. We call ourselves One Acadiana because we believe it takes a united region to create the best region.

What do we do, you ask?

At One Acadiana, you’ll find a team of passionate, goal-oriented professionals who are working to grow our regional economy and tackling Acadiana’s most pressing challenges, including business development, public policy, urban revitalization.

Representing more than 800 businesses and individuals throughout the area, we also serve as the central business organization for the city of Lafayette – providing leadership on local issues as well as the services and resources of a traditional business association.

How can we help?

We love serving our members and the community at large. Our highly professional staff at 1A is ready and willing to answer your questions about issues that shape Acadiana’s future. A few common questions we regularly receive are answered below:

Who is the right person to get in touch with about area events?

You can visit our Community Calendar HERE. If you’re a member and would like to have you event included on our Community Calendar, submit your event information HERE.

How do I start a new business? Can you help?

1A’s Small and Minority Business Services are available for all businesses that qualify as small, women-owned, minority-owned or veteran-owned businesses. Reach out to BizDev@OneAcadiana.org to find out more if you qualify.

You can also contact the helpful staff at the Small Business Development Center for information about starting or growing your business. Their services include business plans, sales and marketing, finances, and much more. You can reach them at 337.482.6312.

Where can I find statistics and demographics for your area?

One Acadiana’s Data Dashboards provide an at-a-glance look at regional data on population, employment, education, and well-being. Additional statistical information about the Lafayette area can be found by contacting the Lafayette Economic Development Authority.

What events does One Acadiana have?

Visit our events page HERE for a list of upcoming events, along with information including dates, times, locations and registration information. Contact Lindsey Faulk, Director of Events, at Lindsey@OneAcadiana.org. Please note some event series are exclusive to members, investors and partners of One Acadiana.

Do you have an advertising / media packet?

Check out our press page HERE for a list of media and advertising contacts you can use to share your own business news.

Can you share my upcoming event with your members?

We’re glad you asked! We use our Community Calendar to share our members’ events with our regional community. You can submit your event information HERE.

Who do I contact about paying an invoice?

You can contact Amanda Henry, Manager, Accounting & Receptionist, at Amanda@OneAcadiana.org to take care of any invoice or payments, as well as questions regarding an invoice.

How do I find businesses in your area? Do you have a dedicated list?

We do! You can find a robust list of 1A member businesses offering superb products and services by searching through our Business Directory HERE.

If you have any additional questions, we’d love to answer them. Email info@oneacadiana.org or call 337.233.2705, and we’ll be glad to help.