How can Louisiana Improve its Roads and Public School Facilities?

by | Nov 8, 2018 | Legislative Advocacy

Home » How can Louisiana Improve its Roads and Public School Facilities?

LAFAYETTE, La. (KLFY) – In a recent national report, Louisiana ranked 45th in the country as best states for transportation.

Eight months into the job, One Acadiana CEO and president Troy Wayman has been focusing on the regional infrastructure visioning report, or RIVR, which highlights the top road projects to tackle in the nine parish region.

“It’s narrowed down to 21 projects that have strongest regional impact,” Wayman said.

Pat Lewis, Lafayette councilman for District 3, says more prep may save money in the long run.

“We should start doing more pre-maintenance on the roads,” the official said.

Another issue is the large amount of money tied up in backlog infrastructure projects.

“We are sitting on a $4 billion backlog of infrastructure projects,” says Wayman. “That is a significant amount of money.”

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