This month, 1A’s Transportation Infrastructure Committee hosted Lafayette Regional Airport (LFT) Executive Director Steven Picou for an update and Q&A on the airport’s new terminal project. The Lafayette Airport Commission (LAC) continues working with state and federal officials to advance the project.
In November 2017, a joint venture of The Lemoine Company and Manhattan Construction Company was selected to carry out the majority of pre-construction and construction on the new terminal and supporting infrastructure under the Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) project delivery method. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approved the required environmental assessment (EA) in May 2018, and abatement work is slated to begin this week, with relocation of air to ground radio equipment beginning in October. Construction of the new terminal foundation is currently planned for January 2019.
The community will soon be able to monitor progress on the terminal through a live feed on LFT’s website,
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