Local Leaders Partner to Create Hurricane Relief Resource

by | Oct 30, 2020 | Partners

Home » Local Leaders Partner to Create Hurricane Relief Resource

(Lafayette, La.) – With hurricane activity this year on par with the record-breaking storms of 2005, Louisiana has been no stranger to the damage a hurricane can cause and the lasting effects they have on communities. In response to the distress of its neighbors, Lafayette Parish leaders have partnered to create “Hospitality Hub”. Hospitality Hub is an online resource for those staying in Lafayette after being displaced by disaster. The Hub offers resources such as hotel availability, health and relief resources for those sheltering, as well as places to eat and things to do while in Lafayette.

Mayor-President Josh Guillory hopes the Hub will benefit those affected by recent storms, “Hurricanes Delta and Laura have had massive impacts on our neighbors in Cameron and Calcasieu Parish. Having a one-stop shop to access everything from hotel availably to FEMA funding to medical facilities can assist the guests of our Parish. I’d like to thank our community leaders who worked together to create this important tool to support our neighbors and provide the resources they need to get through these difficult times.”

In addition to resources, the Hub will also offer discounts to those displaced by disaster to participating Lafayette businesses. Businesses can opt-in by contacting the Lafayette Consolidated Government Communications office at commsoffice@lafayettela.gov. In addition to being featured on Hospitality Hub’s website, participating businesses will also receive a Hospitality Hub window sticker for their business.