Member Spotlight: Betsy Richard Consulting

by | Jul 12, 2022 | Members

Home » Member Spotlight: Betsy Richard Consulting

1. Give us a brief history of your organization. 

Betsy Richard Consulting began in 2017 after a prompting from friends and family to transfer my leadership and team building skills from a direct selling business to the local market.

2. What would you tell the rest of Acadiana makes you special?

The work I do to support organizational health is unique and customized for each business. The business model and personal assessments I use have proven to be successful in thousands of businesses nationwide and worldwide.

3. What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of the fact that many of my clients have trusted me as an executive in their businesses. They have given testimonials on my website, It has been very fulfilling to observe change for the better in communications, culture, processes, implementation, and accountability. I am living in my purpose.

4. Where do you see your organization in 10 years? What are your plans for the future?

In 10 years, I want to have supported 200 plus businesses in Acadian to run like a well-oiled machine internally prompting productivity, growth, and sustainability. I plan to continue to grow myself as a consultant and coach through certifications and trainings and to offer more to local business owners and their teams.

5. 1A is making an impact as we take an active role in improving the community we live in. Our members are making an impact, too! – What does impact mean to you? How is your company making an impact?

Impact to me means organizational health and foundational sturdiness that lasts. My company is making an impact by shoring up businesses to be effective, efficient, and weather any storm so that entrepreneurs continue to open and sustain viable and important businesses. This is the American dream at its best and so important to our country.