Member Spotlight: Maddie’s Footprints

by | Oct 25, 2021 | Members

Home » Member Spotlight: Maddie’s Footprints

1. Give us a brief history of your organization. 

Maddie’s Footprints was established in 2010 to assist families facing miscarriage, stillbirth or loss of an infant. We offer financial assistance with funeral or medical bills associated with the loss, as well as emotional support through support groups, workshops and retreats. We also pay for professional grief counseling should one of our parents have a need for more in depth support.

2. What would you tell the rest of Acadiana makes you special?

While there are other agencies around the country that offer some parts of what we do, there are no others who have the complete package that Maddie’s has for our families. Acadiana is fortunate to have access to this resource. Since we started online support groups during Covid, we have moms from all over the country joining us because there is nothing in their area like what we offer.

3. What are you most proud of?

Maddie’s Footprints never asks income level when offering financial assistance and has never turned anyone away. In August of 2021, we crossed the $1 million mark in funds paid out over the last 11 years to assist grieving Acadiana families.

4. Where do you see your organization in 10 years? What are your plans for the future?

We are currently focused on growing our reach in Acadiana, to ensure that everyone who needs our services is aware of what we offer. We are also looking into starting an infant loss podcast to help more families and we are considering expanding our geographic reach.

5. 1A is making an impact as we take an active role in improving the community we live in. Our members are making an impact, too! – What does impact mean to you? How is your company making an impact?

Maddie’s Footprints directly impacts Acadiana families through our financial and emotional assistance programs. Whether we were here or not, the losses would still happen, but fortunately we are here to soften the blow and help to guide our families along their grief journey.