Member Spotlight: Amazing Spaces Organizing & Design

by | Apr 15, 2024 | Members

Home » Member Spotlight: Amazing Spaces Organizing & Design

1. Give us a brief history of your organization. 

Amazing Spaces is a professional organizing and design company founded in 2003. We help our clients organize, downsize, declutter, pack, unpack, and design their space to make time for what truly matters.

Amazing Spaces brings simplicity and order by drastically reducing stress and improving our client’s environment. Our organization and design specialties inspire our clients to integrate new systems into their lives that sustain their lifestyle beyond our sessions. Regardless of how large or small a space, we see past the clutter and create more functional results.

Renée Ory founded Amazing Spaces as a decorating service. She immediately realized there was a preliminary need to declutter and organize the homes and offices of her clients. In response, she expanded the services of Amazing Spaces.


2. What would you tell the rest of Acadiana makes you special?

What makes Amazing Spaces stand out among other organizing companies around the country is our ability to tackle the majority of large jobs to completion in a day! We have an extremely skilled A-Team to transform any space from chaos to calm as well as pack contents in homes for relocation in record time!


3. What are you most proud of?

I am most proud of our team. Each one of us has a servant’s heart and a passion for transforming the lives of our clients.


4. Where do you see your organization in 10 years? What are your plans for the future?

In 10 years, we will be serving a larger area, and have larger teams. Since we love what we do, why stop?


5. 1A is making an impact as we take an active role in improving the community we live in. Our members are making an impact, too! – What does impact mean to you? How is your company making an impact?

20 years ago, I was working in NOLA when I decided to start Amazing Spaces Organizing + Design. Since I was taking the entrepreneurial leap of faith, I decided to start the company where I wanted to retire … in Acadiana. Thank goodness for that foresight!

Our impact in Acadiana has been transforming the spaces of our loyal clientele. We have helped many overcome depression by decluttering and simplifying their space. We’ve helped many clients relocate, downsize, upsize, merge homes, etc. The impact is evident with the amazing relationships built throughout Acadiana and word of mouth referrals!